Sunday, January 7, 2007

Organised Overreaction

As Saddam Hussein hanged at the year end it was followed by expected protests in Iraq and the Middle East.But what was surprising were the violent revolts in parts of India.Agreed that the trial was rushed through and the general impression was that the US were desperate to see Saddam hang, but that certainly does not justify the senseless violence that happened in India.

The protesters went on a rampage, stoning stones and vehicles and destroying property (which of course did not belong to them).People and policemen were hurt in the clashes.The police deployed to control them could have been used for a better purpose if not for the mindless actions of a group of people.
The Left, Samajwadi Party(SP) and other parties organised anti-american protests as was expected.But SP workers threw stones at tourist buses in Agra harming innocent tourists (some of whom were from Goa which has a sizeable Christian population)which is certainly not justified.The SP workers also clashed with traders over closure of shops.Why should some shopkeeper be stopped from earning his livelihood and bear the brunt of this anger?
(See:The Hindu)

We never see any public reaction leave alone protests in other countries when bomb blasts and terrorist attacks happen in India.Why should we react to incidents in other countries and self-destroy ? That too when the affected isnt even an Indian. When an Indian engineer K.Suryanarayana was killed in Afghan or a truck driver killed in Iraq the only protests were from their family members.Where were these people at that time?

Be an Indian first and Anti-American or Pro-Iraq or Pro-Iran later.

1 comment:

Priti (Priti/Agni/cooLPriti) said...

I believe that the execution was wrong but not unfair.

We have a pro-China faction (Left), a pro-Iraq faction, a pro-Unmah faction.
We proudly proclaim them as a liberal side of our characters.
But what abt pro-India??
We denigratedly term them as right-wing 'fundamentalists'.

This liberal fundamentalism has bled us enough. I,as an Indian, need a break!